Alchemed Time Saver Calculator – Practice Manager

Alchemed’s sophisticated workflows and integrated systems are meticulously designed to optimize efficiency within your practice. According to our analysis of customer feedback, the average time saved exceeds three days per clinician and practice manager when utilizing the Alchemed system to its fullest potential. Based on these statistics, Alchemed guarantees a time-saving of more than one day per month per clinician and practice manager. This time saving allows additional consultations which conservatively can result in a revenue uplift of a minimum of 5% for your business.

For a tailored assessment of the time-saving benefits that Alchemed can bring to your practice, please try out our Time Saver Calculator provided below. This tool allows for an individualized estimation based on your patient volumes. The figures presented are based on average practice volumes.

Time saved per use (mins)
Usage count per week
Time saved per week (mins)
Total Time Saved per Week (minutes):
Total Time Saved per Week (hours):
Total Time Saved per Week (days):
Total Days saved per Month:

Optional. If you want to equate time to money enter your average hourly rate. Note we do not receive ANY of this information. It is purely a tool for you to assess Alchemed’s possible value to you.

Hourly Rate Estimated Savings per month >